Why We Started This Magazine and How God Has Blessed It.
We of the BoazMag, are a small team of dedicated Christians who want to make sure that our youth has a fighting chance in this world, and the only way to do that is for them to embrace God and His Word and see that it is relevant to them, the Bible is not just stories, but real life experiences of real life people.
What started as just a thought, quickly blossomed into a reality, and others appreciated what they saw and were willing to help fund the printing so that we are able to give these magazines and newsletters freely away to anyone who subscribes.
Another way that the Lord has blessed this effort is in translations. With help from literally around the world we can offer these magazines in Spanish and Armenian, and friends are working on French and Swahili. We are so thankful for this opportunity to share with so many of so many different backgrounds.
Our Story

That is literally how it happened.
One Person said, I have an idea, would you write a story on Moses. “Ok!”
That same person asked another if they would answer kid’s questions. “Ok!”
That same person asked another if they would put together some devotionals. “Ok!”
And to another would you make some puzzles and to another would you help with a comic strip, and to another would you share a recipe and the next thing you know, we have a real life magazine. It was really that simple.
The Lord put the team together because last year we didn’t know each other. The Lord prompted the one to ask and the others to say yes. Praise the Lord!